Mike McGee Mike McGee

Brush & Whiskers: Why you should commemorate your fur baby through custom designed pet portraits

Pet owners have a deep and meaningful bond with their animal companions, treasuring the unconditional affection and joy they bring. As a testament to this bond, many pet lovers are increasingly turning to custom pet portraits. These are not just simple representations but are art pieces that capture the very essence of a pet's spirit and personality.

Custom pet portraits are becoming popular sentimental tokens. A study coined as the “pet effect” by the Human Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI) highlights the significant relationship between humans and their pets. The research points out that 85 million households in the U.S. own pets. But beyond the numbers, these pet portraits have emotional depth.

For many, they are:

  • Emotionally Resonating: Evoking fond memories and the depth of bond shared.

  • Celebration of Uniqueness: Captures individual quirks, features and personalities.

  • Timeless: As pets' lives are often shorter than ours, these pet portraits freeze cherished moments, reminding owners of their pet's youth or specific life stages.

  • Valued Keepsakes: Often passed down through generations.

  • Expressions of Love: As gifts, they signify understanding and appreciation of someone's bond with their pet.

  • Memorial Pieces: Offering solace for those grieving the loss of a pet.

  • Decor-Enhancing: They can fit into any home style, adding warmth and character.

Creating pet portraits will bring joy at home, memorializing your pet’s life.

In essence, custom pet portraits merge love and art, creating masterpieces that deeply resonate with pet owners. These artworks are more than mere pictures; they are heartfelt tokens celebrating our furry friends, ensuring their memories remain vivid in our hearts.

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Mike McGee Mike McGee

Recognizing the Telltale Signs of Pain in Your Beloved Pet

Our pets are more than just animals; they are cherished members of our families. Just like humans, they can experience pain and discomfort from various sources. However, unlike us, they can't communicate their pain with words. As responsible pet owners, it's crucial to be attuned to the subtle signs of pain in our furry friends. Here are some of the most common indicators to watch out for:

Signs of your pet in distress

  • Changes in Behavior: One of the most noticeable signs of pain in pets is a sudden and significant change in behavior. If your once lively and playful pet becomes withdrawn, irritable, or excessively lethargic, it could be an indication that they are in pain.

  • Altered Eating Habits: Pain can affect a pet's appetite. If your pet starts eating significantly less, refuses food altogether, or exhibits difficulty while eating, it's essential to consider pain as a potential cause.

  • Changes in Posture: A pet in pain may exhibit changes in posture. They might hunch their back, tuck their tail, or arch their body differently than usual.

  • Restlessness: Restlessness and an inability to settle down can be a sign that something is bothering your pet. They may repeatedly change positions or pace around the house.

  • Excessive Grooming: While grooming is a natural behavior for many pets, excessive licking or biting of a particular area can be a sign of pain or discomfort in that area.

  • Aggression or Unusual Reactions: Pain can make even the most docile pets act out of character. If your typically friendly pet becomes aggressive or unusually reactive, it may be a response to pain.

  • Decreased Interest in Play: A pet in pain often loses interest in activities they used to enjoy. If your pet suddenly becomes disinterested in playtime or toys, consider their discomfort.

  • Changes in Bathroom Habits: Pain can affect a pet's ability to urinate or defecate comfortably. Look out for signs of straining, yowling, or changes in the frequency and consistency of their waste.

Recognizing these signs and promptly addressing them is essential for your pet's well-being. If you suspect your pet is in pain, it's crucial to consult with a veterinarian. They can diagnose the underlying issue, prescribe appropriate treatment, and help alleviate your pet's suffering. Remember, your pet relies on you to be their advocate and ensure they live a happy, pain-free life.

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Mike McGee Mike McGee

Top 6 reasons to adopt a pet

Adopting a pet from a humane society or shelter holds a multitude of benefits, both for the animals and for the individuals adopting them. Here are several key reasons why adopting from such facilities is so important:

  1. Saving a Life: Many animals at shelters are at risk of euthanasia, especially in areas where shelters are frequently overcrowded. Adopting a pet ensures that one more animal gets a chance at a loving, permanent home.

  2. Reducing Overpopulation: There are millions of animals in need of homes. Adopting helps manage the overpopulation of unwanted pets, reducing the strain on shelters and the number of animals that are euthanized.

  3. Supporting Cruelty Prevention: Many animals in shelters are victims of neglect, cruelty, or abandonment. By adopting, you support shelters in their mission to rescue and rehabilitate animals.

  4. Financial Benefits: Often, adopted pets are already spayed or neutered, vaccinated, and sometimes microchipped, which can save adopters initial medical expenses.

  5. Promoting Health Benefits: Multiple studies have shown that pets provide various health benefits for humans, including reduced stress, increased physical activity, and overall improved mental well-being.

  6. Providing a Second Chance: Many animals at shelters are there because of human-related issues — not because of anything they did. Factors such as divorce, moves, allergies, or financial difficulties can lead pets to shelters. Adoption gives these animals another opportunity for a happy life.

What a cute boy!

Visit a local humane society or animal shelter for more information in adopting a pet.

Adopting a pet is a commendable act that has wide-ranging positive implications. It's an action that benefits both the animals and the adopters, promoting well-being, compassion, and responsible pet ownership in the broader community. For more information in adopting a pet, please visit:

Santa Barbara Humane

County of SB Animal Services

K-9 Pals

Humane Society International

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